Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Museum Island

Today we conquered part of Berlin's "Museum Island" - the Pergamon and some other smaller museum with Egyptian stuff. The Pergamon has ancient things, so today was a great change of Paris after the never-ending art museums of Paris. (Not to worry, though, tomorrow we are going to 2 art museums, and supposedly one is the biggest and nicest in Germany.) It was all really interesting and laid back, and we saw the famous statue of Nefertiti's head, which in case you were wondering, is missing an eye. That is why she is always photographed from the side. This afternoon Alicia, Kristin, Erica, and I found our way back to a subway station and the first big, nice Internet cafe we have seen since London!! We are all very excited. Plus, it is in a dunkin' donuts, so we can get coffee here, too. Always a bonus.

Yesterday we saw quite a bit of the Berlin Wall. It was very surreal because until that point everything we were seeing was very much in the past and therefore, very easy to disconnect myself. It is quite strange to think that some of that happened during our lifetime -- that really changes the way you look at it! We are about to head out to see if we can find good shopping - we tried yesterday with no luck. Alicia says she is disappointed because there is no GAP.

1 comment:

Jerry said...


guess you are about ready to leave
Berlin. I am about ready for you
to leave Europe. Miss you


ps: hope you are feeling better