Friday, June 8, 2007

Catacombes de Paris

Today we went to the Catacombs underneath Paris. Apparently at one point they dug out huge tunnels for limestone, at which time they were left with massive underground holes that they decided to put human bones in. Fun, huh? Not just any bones, either, they actually went to cemetaries, dug up all of the occupants (I guess that's what you would call them) and arranged them quite artfully with little plaques telling their original location. I should also probably add that this morning we went to the Picasso museum, so basically it's just been an all-around very interesting day. Tonight we take the night train to Frankfurt, get on another train in the morning for about 1.5 hours, then take a 2-3 hour boat ride up the Rhine river to Bacharach. It's going to be a loooong day of travelling! Our hostel in Bacharach is in a castle, though, so we aren't complaining!

1 comment:

Laura said...


Everything sounds wonderful! Did you learn any French words? Maybe oui oui. Is that how you spell it! Who knows! Take lots of pictures. I hope we hear from you this weekend. Are you and Erica and Paige the fashion queens with the "designer watches"? The castle sounds interesting! What is the weather like in Germany?

Love Mom