Saturday, May 26, 2007

Plane ride, Salisbury, and blood sausage

We're here! Thursday morning we arrived in London after a very long but actually quite pleasant flight. We sat next to a really sweet family with 2 kids from Baltimore. Paige was bumped to first class, poor baby, and I was really jealous.

After quite an adventure finding our way around the city, Erica, Paige, and I found our way to our neighborhood. We sat in a small cafe for a few hours just relaxing before heading to the hostel around 2. The Leinster, our hostel in London, is a hostel in every sense of the word. There are people around our age from many countries, and it was loud at all hours. There are rules against congregating on the stoop, so they simply moved across the street or to the next door. Clever, huh?

Yesterday we took the train to Salisbury, which is just near Stonehenge. We are going there this afternoon! It is a great place. I think I am going to move here. Last night we saw a concert of the European Union Chamber Orchestra in the Salisbury Cathedral (which holds one of only 4 original copies of the Magna Carta). I was in heaven. They were absolutely wonderful.

We are about to have our first history class, so I better go!! More soon.


Laura said...

going to move where????

I dont think so.


Brandon said...

Sooo excited for you...and just a bit envious! What are you most looking forward to seeing?


Uncle Mike said...


We agree. There will be no moving for you.

Have a great adventure. We are all envious. Oh, to be young again.

Love, Uncle Mike